South Africa and Africa hold promise
regarding the installation and implementation IT service solutions
into a wide scope of sectors.
Since many of the solutions both
hardware and software are invariably those of global suppliers –
brands, there is a diminishing luminescence on the local vendor
importance to project's success- this is obviously wrongly assumed.
South African companies design and
engineering solutions are amongst the best in the world, yet not
being fully recognized for this, Ditto for software
development/service companies.
If you are a company of which your
service/product/solution is competitive, well designed for its
intended market – local or global , yet you are straggling in
achieving either the desiered market exposure, your rate of
conversions using either or both traditional and or digital media,
then a greater focus and optimization of your current marketing
resources and asset is in order.
To the extent that the scope of your
business activities encompass, a variety of service solutions, yet
may be diverse by virtue of markets , technology requirements,
versatile range of clients and their profile developing and executing a cohesive
brand for the business is going to be a mainstay of marketing
There is much theoretical verbage one
can induce into the argument as to why your company would most likely
benefit from the services of Public Relations and development of
solid and sustainable corporate brand.
Thus It would be more appropriate to
elucidate you as to who we are and the scope of services we offer –
in particular with regard to company active in the ICT sector, giving
you and your company the opportunity to evaluate our abilities to
meet and execute the PR and corporate branding your company require
in a competitive and successful manner.
Following is a brief about Spindle
Communications :
Spindle Communications has been
established by Suza Adam some four years ago and is the latest
iteration of Southgro IR that has been active in the SA PR an IR
market for more than 18 years prior.
Where SIR focus was predominantly on
JSE listed companies (more than 60 )and government institutions, as
well major industrial conglomerates, Spindle is training is sights on
small -mid size companies in the tech intensive sectors, such as
ICT, Life Sciences (pharmaceutical, medical devices, diagnostics),
industrial processing engineering (mineral beatification, additive
manufacturing), cleantech (Renewable energy, recycling and waste
management amongst many other sectors.
Spindle services are designed to attain
the maximum exposure of a client's product/solution to the widest
market sought. Coupled with the use of traditional PR tool sets,
Spindle emphasis is to utilize latest media and communication
technologies, where such offers the maximum and sustainable reach
that could be attained. Whether it is managing moderating social
platforms of the company, evaluating advertising campaigns – and
its optimization – cost and target audience to study trends in
target specific markets and there utilising emergent oportunities.
Spindle Communications bespoke range of service are driven by
scientific methodologies.
Public Relations services would
encompass functions of improving your company's corporate brand
inter-alia the business, its current status, service qualities,
human resource expertise, range of products solutions, insight and
foresight of the market sector its active in and numerous other
inherent values that ought to be managed and promoted.
Other than the primary range of
services we offer, we engage our clients with potential partners
with being foreign companies who's product, technologies may prove
beneficial to client.
This is done through certain forums and
activities we carry out, which include business social grouping,
technical and educational events and additionally investment
conferences for specific sectors, such as renewable energy, clean
technologies www.viridisafrica.com
and www.madiniafrica.com
dedicated to mineral beatification engineering. We also arrange and
execute business/trade visits to potential partner companies in
Israel, USA, Far East, were by each such trip is specifically design
to meet with potential partner as per client’s specs
For a South African ICT company, either
a start up, or established, Spindle's research driven services
ensure that we understand the client needs in a very though manner,
thus requiring less occasional briefing from client side. Thorough
research on our part also gives us strong predictive view of emerging
opportunities and threats the client may encounter, and the measure
we would need to employ in order to defeat them.
Our extensive experience in serving
technology intensive companies gives us foresight we need in order to
be proactive, incisive and decisive when executing a PR plan,
constructing your company's corporate brand - one step ahead of
Our relationship with client are
established on a well defined and executed agreed upon objectives
where such are reduced into a clearly constructed Service Level
Agreement entered between Spindle and the client.
Your company will get more than in
would expect to get for less than would anticipate to pay.
That means our services are cost
defined per objectives – if not achieved within the cost budget
framework we continue until they are attained. To see our pricing
schedule, please request a detailed proposal.
For more information visit www.spindlecommunications.com or contact Suza Adam on suza.adam@spindlecommunications.com