Thursday, 3 July 2014

5 PR tips to help your small business thrive

Public Relations can add genuine value to small businesses. This is provided it is conducted in a coordinated and strategic manner. PR should also be conducted in a manner that allows it to contribute to the overall bottom line of the organisation. The only way this can be achieved is if the organisation makes Public Relations a integral part of their business strategy. Here are 5 tips that could help your small business thrive.

        Be relevant: This tip has to do with how your organisation deals with the media when attempting to get publicity. It is vital to remember that not all stories about your organisation may be deemed newsworthy by the media. This is why it is important to keep your stories relevant. Remember news is something that is new, exciting and which creates genuine interest in those it is directed to. The easiest way to decide if your story is relevant or not is to put yourself in the journalist’s shoes. Then ask yourself, “Would my readers be interested in this story?”
      Form strategic partnerships: Remember that just as no man is an island no organisation can function completely on its own. An organisation only exists if the environment around it allows it to. This is why it is important to form mutually beneficial relationships with other organisations. This can help your business extend the reach of its brand and potentially reach new client or customer groups.
      Communicate strategically: Besides the media, which the organisation has no control over there are various other methods of communication which the organisation has the ability to mediate. These are the various internal channels of communication such as the organisation’s social media platforms, blog and company website etc. It is important to communicate strategically on these platforms as they provide the valuable opportunity to actually engage with your stakeholders

Offer the media special access: When attempting to get publicity for an event your organisation will stage remember that most industry specific journalists only accept invitations to cover events if they offer some kind of special access. This entails giving the relevant media person access to the organisation. Provide them with an inside view and the opportunity to see the organisation from a unique and intimate perspective. Never forget to provide photo opportunities as well as journalists love to get some interesting pictures to go along with their story.

Don't shy away from innovation: Doing something completely new or doing it in a different way can be quite daunting. This is mainly due to the fact that the desired outcome is not guaranteed. However it is innovation that can lead to sustainable differentiation. This is extremely valuable as it gives your business an edge in the market which could help keep you a step ahead of your competitors. Innovation can also lead to an increased customer base and brand loyalty.

Public Relation does not change things instantly. However if the organisation is strategic in their PR activities, sets realistic and tangible communication objectives that are measurable and coordinates its efforts, the organisation will surely reap the rewards.

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