Thursday, 17 September 2015

Spindle Communications

We at Spindle Communications would like to give your company the opportunity to evaluate our range of services available in respect of public relations, investor relations, digital marketing, social media marketing and event management.
Being a leader in marketing technology intensive companies and products, as well as businesses that render consulting services, we are at a knowledge juncture that allows us to offer a range of PR and marketing services which are highly cost effective, scalable, well defined, analytical and which result in qualified, measured marketing services to your business.
At Spindle Communications we offer the following range of services.
·         Investor Relations
·         Media Relations
·         Public Relations
·         Event management
·         Social Media Marketing
·         Digital Marketing
·         Website development & SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Each of our services is tailored to best suits the needs of our clients.
You are probably wondering what about Spindle Communication sets us apart from the rest; it is our dedication to the client, our variety of services, our databases, our social reach and this is only to name a few reasons.
Investor Relations: Spindle offers a variety of consultancy, database development, road shows, analysis and research services including IPO (Initial Public Offering) and Post IPO- Related Services.
Media Relations: Media Relations, if managed correctly, can play a major role in gaining and maintaining a favorable public image. Our advisors at Spindle Communications include specialists in the print, broadcast and online media. Our mission with this service is to communicate tangible facts, stimulate insightful articles and at the same time nurturing the relationship between our client and the media to form a long-term relationship rather than a once off.
Public Relations: At Spindle we are proud to offer Brand Identity Development, Business-to-Business Marketing, Consumer Marketing, Crisis Communications and Employee Communication.
Events:  Spindle Communications specializes in the following corporate events: product launches, investor road shows, green events, conferences. We offer a hands on-approach to each function/event to ensure that our tailor made events meet the expectations, budget and style of our clients.
Social Media: Social Media is an ever-changing and developing field. It is of vital importance that companies keep their finger on the pulse. It has become easier for companies to build one-on-one relationships with their target audiences. We have established communication platforms around mining, ITCE, cleantech, green cities, environment, life sciences and healthcare, human resources and financial services.
Search Engine Optimism: We offer to help you with either SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and/or SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
In particular, the Spindle Communications team is able to help clients focusing on African markets to reach out to influential target audiences. From needing us to draft, edit and send of a media release on your behalf, to maintaining valuable relationships with the media, or planning a corporate event, you can be assured of the highest service.
We also offer a 2 hour free consultation via Skype to yourself or your firm’s marketing & PR representative. You are welcome to contact me on to set up an interview. My skype handle is SpindleComm.
Our hourly rate is R500,00 and as a norm, retainers start at R8 500 p.m.
I also manage a Linkedin group  called Mining Exploration in Africa with more than 12000 members. If you would like to promote your renewable energy business to the mining industry in Africa, we can post an announcement of 2000 words on your behalf. The cost for doing so is R2500.
Should you have any queries please feel free to contact myself on +2711 880 0364

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